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Handing down the torch to the next Generation.

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Overview: An ex Bryden couple helps the next generation take over the work we believe in at Bryden completely. With Belinda becoming a teacher, both her and Craig still teach their boys some of the Bryden values they learnt with us.

Photo: Craig and Belinda Ervine enjoy a trip to Vic Falls with their son.

Craig and Belinda Ervine

Collecting tiny red velvet spiders at Christmas time, cross country splashing through muddy puddles in the rainy season and travelling to sporting events in the back of bakkies are just a few of our favourite memories of being Bryden kids.


Following in my teachers footsteps

"Craig, my husband, and I were both Bryden students and neither of us would have chosen differently. Coming from farming backgrounds Bryden was an easy choice for our parents as the small community school provided a solid foundation for children. I remember every single one of my teachers and they were all my favourite. I ended up following a career in teaching. I now have a BEd and a neurocognitive therapy program that lets me work with kids every day. I definitely owe this passion for teaching to the teachers at Bryden who always invested more than what was required into their “jobs”. " - Belinda Ervine

The Bryden Community made me a better sportsman

"The thing I loved most about Bryden was the sports days and sport in general there. It definitely helped my cricket career that my grandad would come in once a week and coach us boys, but we had that a lot at Bryden, where experts from the community would offer their time, it was a real personal touch. I can honestly say that my love for not only cricket but sport in general started at Bryden and was nurtured early on. It set me in good stead to become a National sportsman." - Craig Ervine


The next generation

Having just had our second baby boy, we are both set to instil in our boys a love for the outdoors and open spaces, a love of the country that made Bryden such a good fit for us. Neither of us would say no to a camping trip to Mana Pools or a long weekend break to Kariba. Bryden was a great place for us with all the school trips out to interesting places like Dande on the Zambezi and Musango at Kariba even being at school meant we were still out in the country. It doesn’t get better than that.

- Belinda & Craig Ervine.

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