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Music is an art form which enhances and improves a child's learning experience.  


Research has proven that reading music and playing an instrument stimulates both spheres of the brain; developing areas related to language and reasoning, as well as maths and pattern recognition.  It helps children focus and helps improve motor skills and hand-eye coordination.   


In Grade 1 and 2 the pupils are introduced to rhythms and rhythm notation.  They participate in fun musical games and learn to play various percussion instruments.  


In Grade 3 recorders are introduced with the first notes and finger positions.  The children are taught correct recorder playing techniques and to play simple tunes.


Each subsequent grade builds on that foundation.  Children continue to learn notation and correct recorder technique. Music appreciation is introduced exposing the children to the many different musical genre. 


Pupils in Grade 6 and 7 are given the opportunity to join the recorder band or ensemble. This group performs throughout the year at various school functions and at the annual Eisteddfod held in Harare. On a weekly basis, music theory is also covered within the Grade 7 curriculum.


Private Lessons

Private piano lessons are offered to pupils from Grade 3 and above. The children are also given the opportunity to learn to play the glockenspiel, drums and marimba.


Pupils are eager to practice regularly and those who excel are encouraged to sit both piano and recorder practical examinations in Harare.  The examiners are local representatives of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, and the results are internationally recognised.  

Private Lessons


Our school choir comprises of the Grade 6 and 7 pupils. The first term is a challenge as the pupils prepare for the national Eisteddfod.  The Grade 6s are new to the choir and have little time to prepare for this event, but always do well against tough competition. In the second term we perform at the District’s Cultural Festival held at Lomagundi Primary School.  This is a great event where the children get to perform with over a hundred other singers, quite an experience for them.  Third term is a very busy term with preparations for Christmas celebrations, assemblies, Musical Morning and Prize Giving.





The Bryden orchestra, a recorder and percussion band, is comprised of Grade 6 and 7 musicians who are able to perform more challenging music in competitive and concert settings.  Meeting weekly, they prepare for performances, including the National Allied Arts and Eisteddfod held during March. Along with the choir, the orchestra play for final assemblies, Musical Morning and the annual carol service.  The orchestra continues to learn more about the families of instruments and are exposed to other orchestral pieces using DVDs and the internet. This exposure encourages the pupils to consider learning other instruments in high school, as many former Bryden students have gone on to do.



Bryden school has several different departments that participate in the NIAA's annual Eisteddfod competitions. The National Institute of Allied Arts, a well-known institute that has been active in Zimbabwe for more than 100 years, and offers a platform for talented candidates to perform and be adjudicated by professionals in their chosen field: 







We are proud to stay that over the years our students have won several high placement awards such a firsts and honour awards.



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