We offer a wide variety of club activities once a week, on the afternoon where the least sport is done to inspire the children to explore and create outside of the classrooms and find a hobby which they enjoy. These activities may differ slightly each term according to seasonal factors. Whilst children are encouraged to try to develop new skills in different clubs, if they have a particular talent this will be nurtured by the club leader.
Board Games
Board games not only teach young students to learn and understand rules, but also how to work creatively and strategically within them.

Ballet & Dance
We offer both fun ballet classes as well as entering the girls into their Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) exams. Our ambition is to grow the club right up until the girls can do their Grade Five Ballet Exam in Grade Seven.

Chess introduces and reinforces Academic and 21st Century skills…
Critical Thinking
Collaborative Learning and Problem-Solving
Time Management
Forecasting and Planning
Decision-Making in a Real-World Environment
Combating Learning Loss

Art & Crafts
Enhances innovation and creative ability: The opportunity to create whatever a child wants to encourage innovation. And the ability to think and solve problems they might face while making something enhances creativity.
Young Farmers
All Bryden pupils participate in the practice of agriculture as a subject. The Young Farmers Club provides them with an additional opportunity to further develop their horticulture skills.

Survival Club
Each week we learn a camp craft skill, a water skill, a fire-lighting skill and a food skill. However, the most important thing is that we spend time together having fun getting dirty outside.

Conservation is the act of protecting Earth's natural resources for current and future generations. The pupils go on walks and talks to raise their awareness and responsibility to nuture nature and animals.

Duathlon is an athletic event that consists of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg and then another running leg in a format similar to triathlons.
Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll see develop in your child as they do more physical activity and sports.
Boost Self-Esteem
Reduce Stress
Develop Team and Leadership Skills
Instil Patience, Discipline and Perseverance
For the sporty pupils they have an option to join either the tennis or soccer club posed to a club.

When the power of LEGOs and computers combine, there are plenty of hands-on activities that can help children learn coding concepts and practice thinking like programmers. From powering robots to building amazing constructions that operate with code, the possibilities are virtually limitless.

Annually, the school presents a play produced by our Drama department. This is usually presented at the end of the 2nd term. Pupils from Grade 4 to 7 are encouraged to participate in this production, both front and back stage. This is always a lively event of musical theatrics! Parents and elderly members of the community are invited. Transport can be arranged for eldery members of the community.